Partnerships and Affiliations
“I don’t know what I would have done without the Long-term Rent Assistance program and Northwest Pilot Project.”

Partnerships & Affiliations

Northwest Pilot Project is part of a group of organizations that together create and sustain a network of support for low-income seniors in our community. We thank and appreciate the following organizations, groups and businesses who represent just a handful of those we work with every day.

Key Partners

A Home For Everyone
Home Forward
Multnomah County Joint Office of Homeless Services
Portland Housing Bureau
Meyer Memorial Trust

Membership Organizations

Housing Oregon
Oregon Housing Alliance
Portland for Everyone
Welcome Home Coalition

Key Business Partners

Bristol Equities
Cantel Sweeping
Classis Pianos
DJ Guild Property Investments
Eastside Lodge
Geffen Mesher
Guardian Real Estate Services
Income Property Management
Mattress Lot
O’Donnell Law Firm
OneApp Rentals
Supportive Services

Select Community Partners

Cascadia Behavioral Services
Catholic Charities
Central City Concern
Collins Foundation
Community Alliance of Tenants
Community Partners for Affordable Housing
Disability Rights Oregon
Friendly House
Hollywood Senior Center
Human Solutions
Kairos Milwaukie
Legal Aid Services of Oregon
Maybelle Center for Community
Multifamily Northwest
Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services
Northwest Housing Alternatives
Oregon Law Center
Oregon Opportunity Network
Portland Homeless Family Solutions
PSU School of Social Work
REACH Community Development
Street Roots
Terwilliger Plaza
Transition Projects
Urban League
Veteran’s Administration

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