Contact Us
“As rich as this country is, for people like me who paid taxes my whole life, I don’t think I should have had to live in shelters on the ground for so long before getting into housing I could afford to pay for.”
- Ralph

Contact Us

We’re here to help.

If you need housing assistance please call our main number: 503-227-5605

If you have questions about how to support us or get involved in supporting our work,

call Laura Golino de Lovato at 503-478-6868 or email [email protected].

To make a donation, call Teresa Badel Chang at 503-478-6877

Or make your donation online.

For other inquiries, please submit the form below and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Location and Hours

1430 SW Broadway, Ste 200
Portland, OR 97201

FAX: 503-274-8559

Phone Service Hours:
M,T,W,F: 9 am to 4 pm
TH: 1 pm to 4 pm

Open Office Hours:
T,W,TH: 1 pm to 4 pm

Closed daily 12 pm to 1 pm


Northwest Pilot Project is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Tax ID # 93-0635871

Your donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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